Indoor plant’s care in winters

Indoor plant’s care in winters

Indoor plant’s care in winters requires some adjustments to accommodate changes in temperature, humidity and sunlight.

Indoor plant's care in winters

Here are some general tips for Indoor plant’s care in winters:

  • Light:

    Because the winter is shorter, your plants won’t get as much sunlight. Place them near the window that gets the most sunlight and consider rotating them to ensure all sides get enough light.
    If natural light is not enough, use fluorescent or LED grow lights to supplement illumination. Keep the lights on 12-14 hours a day.

  • Irrigation:

    Irrigation frequency should be adjusted. Since plants are less vigorous during the winter months, they need less water. Wait for the top layer of soil to dry before watering.
    Be careful not to over water, as low temperatures can slow the plant’s metabolism and cause root rot. Use a well-draining potting mix.

  • Humidity:

    Heat in the home can reduce humidity, which can affect plants. Increase humidity by placing a bowl filled with water and pebbles near the plant or using a humidifier.
    Spray plants occasionally, but do not overdo it because some plants are sensitive to water on their leaves.

  • Fertilization:

    Plants generally need less fertilizer during the winter months due to their slow growth. If you fertilize, use a balanced fertilizer diluted to half the recommended concentration every 4-6 weeks.

  • Pest Control:

    Indoor plants are more susceptible to pests during the winter months due to bad weather conditions. Check your plants regularly for pests such as spider mites, aphids or scale insects.

  • Temperature:

    Most indoor plants prefer temperatures between 15-24°C (60-75°F). Do not place plants near windows or heat sources.
    Allow cool air through doors and windows and keep plants away from heaters or heaters.

“If you see pests, treat them immediately with insecticide or neem oil.”

  • Pruning:

Winter is a good time for light pruning to shape plants and remove dead or yellowed leaves. This allows the plant to focus its energy on growing well.

  • Insulation from cold windows:

    Keep plants away from cold windows to prevent them from getting too hot. Use curtains if necessary or move the plant to a warm location at night.
    Remember that different plants require special care, so the individual needs of each species should be taken into account. Monitor your plants frequently and adjust their care according to their condition.

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