Lawn Restoration

Lawn restoration often involves repairing grass that is worn, uneven, or in poor condition. Here are some general steps you can take for lawn care:

  • Evaluation:
    Identify the problem with your existing lawn. This may include bare soil, weeds, compacted soil, thatch accumulation or poor quality grass.
  • Soil Test:
    Do a soil test to determine your soil’s pH and nutrients. This will help you understand the conditions your grass needs to grow well.
  • Weed Control:
    Destroy existing weeds using herbicides. Remember to be safe and environmentally friendly.
  • Over seeding:
    Care should be taken to spread grass seed over existing turf to fill in uneven areas and encourage turf growth.
  • Fertilisation:
    Apply fertiliser according to soil test results. This will provide the necessary nutrients to support the growth of the grass.
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