Liquid Seaweed
- It improves soil microbial activity, creating a healthy soil environment for plants.
- It is a natural source of Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus.
- Seaweed can improve the structure of the soil and retains water.
Fruit Fly Control
- It poses less risk to the environment than common pesticides.
- Methyl eugenol traps allow for greater durability and less chemical use.
- It is known that methyl eugenol is good for fruit flies.
Micro Nutrients
- Micronutrients help support plant stress.
- It help plants absorb and utilise macro nutrients effectively.
- They keep plants healthy and make plants resistant to diseases and pests.
- They play an important role in the development of seeds and fruits.
Micro Nutrients
- Micronutrients help support plant stress.
- It help plants absorb and utilise macro nutrients effectively.
- They keep plants healthy and make plants resistant to diseases and pests.
- They play an important role in the development of seeds and fruits.
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